Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A new choir member?!

La La La La La La La!

Monday, December 17, 2007

It was great!!

Last night was our last concert and it was the best!! We had a big crowd, one of the tv stations was there, and the whole program came off great. What a lot of fun the whole thing was. I was blessed to have such a wonderful group of people to work with. They all worked hard and put a lot into it and at the same time we laughed a lot and had fun. It doesn't get much better than that. For any of you reading this, God bless you and have a wonderful Christmas.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Choir on tree

Here's a picture of the tree during a performance. I just got home from this evening's program. It is going very well. The weather is perfect and all the electronics are cooperating. I have quite a few members out sick with bad colds. John missed a couple of days work this week from the bug and I'm just praying I don't get it. Still have 3 performances to go.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Trying to post a video

You gotta watch this video if I did this right. Makes me want to shovel snow!

We're underway!

Here's a picture of the tree with the lights turned on. I took it last night before everyone arrived and the program started. A photographer took pictures with the choir on the tree and he is going to email me some. I couldn't take any myself because once they start getting on the tree I am busy making sure they are all up there where they need to be. Also, the audience is there watching. This first performance was unadvertised and just for our church family and friends. We had a couple of glitches with the sound system but otherwise it went very well and the people who came to see it loved it. It poured buckets all morning and until about 3pm and then the stormed passed. It's a God thing. Rain is the one thing that would make us have to cancel a performance. In 10 years we have never had to cancel a performance. So....we have until Wednesday night to fix the problems with the monitors, and buy more book lights to replace the ones they dropped on the tree. Next year we are going to mount orchestra lights on the top rail of each panel and get rid of the book lights. By Wednesday I will have spent $400 on new booklights this year! They are absolutely my thorn in the side. I hope you all get to see a nice Christmas program, it makes this season so special and makes memories your kids will never forget.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Completed projects.

Here is a picture of the completed tree structure for the Christmas program. All of the green panels are covered with lights that are run by a computer program. While the choir is singing, they are going on and off in all kinds of formations, like a cross, and just various patterns and tempos to match the music. It is really pretty at night. Hopefully I can get a picture one evening this week with everyone on it. We were going to have a dress rehersal on the tree Monday night but the recording we did last week didn't turn out right and we have to re-record the whole thing tomorrow night. Maybe everyone can get on it Tuesday night.

I also finished my quilt top and sent it off to my aunt to machine quilt for me. I can't wait to see how that turns out. It looks pretty good for a first time effort with no help. I am already contemplating my next one. I told John, if he would get this gun cabinet out of my office, I could set a table up in here for sewing and the dining room table could be used to eat at. Yes, well, since we all know he eats on a TV tray in front of the TV, that isn't a huge priority for him.

Christmas shopping?! Haven't really done much yet. I have thought a lot about it but I can't seem to take action. I guess I think too much. We do have all the lights up on the outside and the tree up inside, so I have made some progress for the season. When we were stringing up the outside lights I was remembering how handy Lucas was for that sort of thing. He liked getting up on the roof and John and I are both getting to the point that neither of us wants to go there. Maybe next year Lucas and Angel could come for Thanksgiving and help hang lights. What a great idea!