Friday, May 30, 2008

The neighborhood

Man, things are really quiet in the neighborhood. There's not too many people here although, there are more than last year. I guess with the price of gas people aren't taking the big trips. A lot of my winter friends left their RV's here and just went north in their cars. I'm sure glad we don't have ours anymore. I'd hate to fill the tank now. It got a whopping 6 miles to the gallon when towing a vehicle. Gas has hit $4.00 here now and I am really cutting back on my running around. We live 15 miles from town and I used to just flit back and forth and think nothing much about it. I remember when noone would have considered living more than 7 miles from where they worked. Look at us now. People in major cities think nothing of spending and hour and a half commuting each way. In their Hummer. I'm thinking horses were a good mode of transportation. They could mow the lawn, fertilize the garden, and get you to the church on time. I'm surprised the tree huggers aren't trying to get legislation passed to abolish cars and bring back livestock. I guess they are too busy making their plane reservations so they can get in the most protests possible. I wonder if they will rethink their position on expanding drilling in this country when they can't afford to heat their homes next winter.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Does anybody sleep?

The older I get, the less I sleep. I wonder why that is. My friends all seem to have the same problem. It doesn't help that my husband gets up at 4:30am every day. The dogs are "trained" to get up that early so even on the weekend they get me up. Good wife that I am, I get up with them and close the bedroom door so John can sleep in. It's kind of like having small children, forever! Thor, my maltese, gets me up between 2 and 3 in the morning EVERY day to go out with him to pee. There's a doggy door they all use at will, but apparently Thor doesn't want to go out in the dark alone. Just a theory. Actually, you can probably see who the one that's well trained around here really is. John and I both have trouble staying awake after 9 pm. Thanks to TIVO we record any TV programs we want to watch. In July I am going to have my 60th birthday. Never thought I'd be so old. At the rate I'm going, I figure by the time I'm 70, I will no longer sleep at all. What do I do with all those hours in the middle of the night? I read, sew, play computer games, pray, worry, etc. Maybe I should get a night job. Employers take note, instead of hiring young people for the night shift, hire seniors. They are awake anyway, and they know how to work!