Monday, June 16, 2008

It's Too HOT!!

Usually this time of year it might be 100 - 104 now with lows in the low 70's. Saturday it was 115 and Sunday morning when I got up at 4:30 it was 84 out. This is our middle of July thru August temps. Hopefully it will cool off a bit again. Maybe? Needless to say we are really looking forward to our vacation to visit Sam in Little Rock in a couple of weeks. No matter what it is like there it will be a nice break for us.

Since I'm conserving gas and spending more time at home, I am staying busy by reading a lot and quilting. I joined a quilt club that meets on Monday nights and I've learned a lot from the women there. They are so good to help if I have questions. They also make quilts to donate to children that are taken from their homes and put into foster care. The children get to keep these and hopefully they give a little comfort in a stressful time. When my choir practices start up again in the fall, I will miss this group. To that end, I am also working on picking the music for the tree program. The guy who programs the lights on the tree keeps bugging me for the music. You might think it's kind of early for this, but it takes a lot of time to put this together. I've previewed a lot of music and I haven't found the right one yet. I'm beginning to think I might have to cut and paste to get what I want. I like a couple of songs in one, one in another, etc. Then I'd have to rewrite the narration to make it all flow right. This is the first year something hasn't just jumped out at me. I usually have this done by the 1st of July!

I guess I'll go work on the Christmas quilt I'm making. Maybe it will inspire me.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

I need a job!

Wow! I think I need a paying job. Our gas bill for my car and John's truck was $700 last month. Add to that how much everything else has gone up and I can only be thankful we aren't trying to feed a big family now. My favorite bread is now $4.32 a loaf. :( I've switched to a different kind. We purchased our airline tickets for our summer trips several months ago, thank goodness. Now I just have to figure out how to go on vacation with one suitcase. That's a problem for me. I am never sure what to take. Will it be hot, too cold, do I need a dress, what shoes....etc. Oh my, what about a coat! You know, when you come from Yuma, you are cold when it is 75 degrees out. I guess if I traveled more I would be better at it. For the past 25 years I traveled in an RV so I could take anything I wanted. That had it's definite advantages but I don't regret getting rid of it. Especially with the price of gas now. How do people go treking all over europe with just a backpack? Maybe I need to take a class on how to pack a suitcase. Is there such a thing? Oh, here's a thought .... I could UPS my stuff to my destination and just fly with my carry-on. Now this has possibilities! That way I could make room for whatever purchases I make during my travels. Oh, this is brilliant. I am going to go ponder this.