Monday, August 25, 2008

Love the green!

So far on our vacation we have only had one rainy day, yesterday. Today we are in Lynden and have been out seeing the town. We had a great lunch at a dutch restaurant and I got to visit a couple of quilt shops. I bought the fabric to make a snowman wall hanging that is cute. John, bless his heart, just patiently follows us girls around. He doesn't try to hurry us or anything. I'm sure he was more than glad when we decided to check out the restaurant. We also bought a dutch apple pie at the bakery for desert tonight. Ymmm....Teresa and Christy just went to the store to get ice cream to go with it. Maybe we'll just have pie and ice cream for dinner! So you see, this vacation is involving a lot of eating (as usual) and when we get back home it will be diet time.

Aside from the great food, the flowers here are just beautiful. All of the green lawns and trees plus beautiful flowers everywhere make this a nice change of pace for a desert girl. I even enjoyed the rain yesterday.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where would we be without Faith

Every year when it is time to prepare for the Christmas program or the Easter program, the attacks start. I know these are something satan would really like to bring to a halt. Every year I wonder what he's going to try this year. One year we were in the middle of giving a performance and a car hit a power pole down the highway from us and blacked out the whole valley. We lost all power....our sound, lights etc. We finished that song acapella under the romantic glow of 70 booklights. While that actually sounded very nice, we were unable to continue that performance. But most people returned the next night to see the whole program. A couple of years ago at a rehersal for the Easter program, I slipped on the stage steps and broke my foot. The good news is I only did it in front of 40 people, not the whole congregation. See, there's always an up side. Last year after they got the tree built for the choir some kids from the mobile home park nearby came over and kicked out a bunch of the light panels on the tree. They must be hard up for entertainment. Over the years we just roll with whatever comes out way. This years problem is already apparent. The joint replacement in my left shoulder has failed and needs to be completely replaced! RATS!! I will not have it done until after Christmas and hopefully I can make it until after Easter. I have to be careful with it or it will dislocate and I can tell you that really hurts. So here you go prayer warriors...please pray that I can maintain until at least after Christmas. I have great faith that this will all work out.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monkey teases tiger

This is a brave or stupid monkey. I liked it when he pulls the tail of the tiger. Probably a good thing they were only cubs.