Saturday, September 27, 2008

I got it!

I was driving in to town yesterday and I suddenly realized what the first sign of fall in Yuma is. When it is 105 it is hard to feel fall. Well anyway, my revelation was ...... a yard sale sign! Yep, that's it. Yuma doesn't have yard sales in the summer and when they do have them they are held on Friday and Saturday. Almost never on Sunday. I passed a half dozen yard sale signs in my neighborhood alone. Snow birds love yard sales. I think they haul stuff down here with them just so they can have a yard sale. Which brings me to the second sign, snow birds ( or winter visitors ) are arriving in a steady stream. The grocery store is much busier and the street traffic has really picked up. Time to leave the house a little earlier to get whereever I'm going on time. And for me the final sign of fall is the start up of rehersals for the Christmas tree program. John is so sure that since October is just a few days away, he will be sitting out on the deck in the evening watching tv, so....he is right now out cleaning off the deck and furniture out there getting ready. He plans to watch Monday night football out there. I think the forecast for Monday is 101 which means it might be down to 98 by kick off. But, that's his plan. It's fall alright. I'm thinkin I need to go buy a new outfit for fall.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Benefits of 4 Seasons

I loved being up in the northwest for a vacation. You could feel fall in the air. On our drive over the mountains from Seattle to Yakima there were even some noticeable changes starting in the trees. In Yuma we miss that. On the way home Monday, there was fresh snow on the mountains around Salt Lake. How pretty. While we were in Yakima I went shopping with my mom and aunt. I loved the fall and winter clothes in Macy's! Love the fall colors and I have always loved sweaters. I just can't buy that stuff to wear here. It doesn't get cold enough here for them. That got me to thinking about the seasons we have here. We basically have 2 seasons here.

1. Way to freaking hot! and...
2. Pretty comfortable.

The summer is the way too hot and my summer wardrobe consists of sandals, cool short skirts and tank tops. Oh and a cardigan to wear in restaurants and stores where they keep their thermostat on 60. My winter wardrobe consists of longer skirts, jeans, tee shirts, and a sweater to wear in the restaurants that still keep the thermostat on 60. Those guys must love the power company. We don't really have much in the way of spring or fall here, it just sort of jumps from summer to winter and back again. The trees here don't lose their leaves or change color so we don't see a change there. There are no daffodils or crocus popping their heads up early to let you know warm weather is coming. I miss the 4 seasons. I slways liked the change and I love to sit inside and watch it snow.

However, all is not lost. I buy clothes in the new fall colors that are light weight. I know it's fall when I start practices for the Christmas program, and when my friend start returning. I know it is winter when there are so many people here you can hardly move, I know it's spring when my Easter choir performs and I know summer is almost here when the neighbors all leave. So I guess whereever you live you still see the benefits of 4 seasons.