Friday, August 11, 2006

A new experience for me

Well, this is new for me. I thought I'd give a blog a try and see how I like doing it. It's so stinking hot here that I need something to keep me busy inside other than the way too many books I read, and house work. I've done way too much house work lately due to the fact that we replaced all the flooring in the house a week ago. I'd never replaced carpet in a house I was living in before. The end result is wonderful, but holy cow!, what a lot of work!! It was like moving. We paid the carpet guys extra to move all the furniture but I had to get the furniture ready for them to move. Like, empty the china hutch, bookcases, curio cabinets, etc. You get the picture. I decided we have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!! I guess the real problem is it's been too many years since we moved. Moving is good for purgeing all that stuff you no longer need but thought you couldn't get along without. The amazing thing is, I got rid of a ton of stuff and the closets and drawers are still all full! I blew it when I didn't save a pair of old shoes for John to wear when he went out to touch up the paint on the house. Oh yea, we also had the house painted on the outside. It looks great too. I figure as old as we are we'll never have to do this stuff again.

Well, my next project is going to be to take some pictures of the house and figure out how to post them on this blog. Wish me luck.



Teresa said...

Wow! You have been busy. It bet the house is really nice now.

Christy said...

Cool! I would love to see pictures. I laughed at the "we're so old" comment. Whatever. You two will be around for decades. =)

Unknown said...

You are SO talented and always coming up with some new surprise in the things you do!
These are wonderful! And I'll bet the new carpetting is gorgeous even though a real pain to get done! We never get rid of anything when we do this - it all seems to go back where it came from! Well, maybe not ALL! Love you both - Colleen and Don