Thursday, February 07, 2008

I want to talk to Jack

Yesterday I popped in to Jack in the Box for a quick lunch. That was my first mistake. They aren't quick. I perused the menu board and ordered the number 8. It said "jumbo cheeseburger combo". Yep, that was for me, a jumbo CHEESE burger. A burger isn't complete without cheese, in my book. I'm patient, I took my book and sat at a table and read for a while. Finally they call a name that I was pretty sure was supposed to be me. These places never get my name right, even spelled right the person calling the name on the order thought it had to be wrong, so she changed it. So....I looked around and when "Marvin" didn't get up, I went up and sure enough, it was me. I looked at the slip and the person who took my order had written very clearly MAVIS. Oh well. I took my tray and returned to my table. I unwrapped my jumbo cheese burger and surprise, surprise, no cheese. I took it back up to the person who took my order. "There is no cheese on the burger". "Did you ask for cheese?" "I asked for a number 8" "Well you have to tell us if you want cheese, some people don't want it." HUH?? I looked back up at the board more closely to see if I had made a mistake. Nope. It very boldy says JUMBO CHEESEBURGER.. I pointed to the board and told her to look, she did, then she said well on her computer screen there are two choices, cheese or not. I asked how in the world was I supposed to know that! It says number 8 I ordered number 8 and I want my cheese. She grumpily took the burger back and put some cheese on it. So here's your lesson for the day.....regardless of what the menu says......if you want cheese, tell them you want cheese. Remember, they hire people who can't read.


Teresa said...

LOL!!! You go, girl!

Luke and Angel said...

I had the same problem at both taco bell and fat burger. At taco bell I told them my name was Luke thinking that they would know how to spell, when they called my name.... "Luck". Fat burger spelled it "Luc" and pronounced it Lucy. I lust know that if I tell them my name is Lucas they will butcher that in some odd ball way.