Sunday, July 20, 2008

Desert Entertainment

You probably have to live here to understand but we find the monsoon season very entertaining. A lot of times at night we have spectacular lightening shows and I am always amazed how it can just pour in one block or two and go over just 3 or 4 blocks and they might not have had a drop. At 3 this morning (yes that's 3 am), John and I were sitting out on our deck watching it rain so hard the street in front of our house was completely under water. That little shower was over in 30 minutes. But there's our entertainment factor, we jump out of bed and rush outside at 0 dark thirty to watch it rain. :) You have to be prepared to move when it happens because it won't last long. Had it been daylight I would have jumped in the car and driven up the street so I could watch the wash fill up and run. I've even taken pictures of that event! Yep, the photo is the wash up the street from our house.

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