Friday, July 25, 2008

Our dogs rule!

Some of you have asked me to post pictures of our dogs. Thor is my Maltese and without a doubt the smartest one of the least he has me well trained. Stanley is the black and white Shitzu/poodle - we call that a shit-poo. Then there's Bubbles the cock-a-poo. Named because she is the color of champagne. She is our senior dog. She's about 12 now and her eyesight isn't good, neither is her hearing. Or maybe she just has selective hearing. They all get along great and as long as we keep well supplied with treats and cater to their every whim they allow us to live with them. All three of them have to be groomed so every 4 weeks they go to the doggy beauty shop for a new do. We spend $105 a month on dog grooming!! I spend about $30 a year on my hair. There's something wrong with that picture. We are blessed to have a friend that will take all 3 of them when we go on vacation and in return we take the lovely Patches when they go. All in all they are an entertaining group and we wouldn't ever be without a dog .... or three.


Teresa said...

LOL That is why Scruffy goes so long between hair cuts. I asked the groomer here in Lynden how much they would charge and they said $45-50! Plus extra if he doesn't stand still!!!! How much do you think they'll charge when he snarls at her for touching his tail? Good grief...I need to become a groomer.

Mavis said...

LOL. Keep looking for a groomer, there's probably one out there you haven't found yet that won't charge so much.

Christy said...

Bubbles looks great! Butch is 13 now and blind in one eye, can't hear most stuff and has a heart murmer. He still has lots of get up & go, though, so we'll see how he does this year.

The other two are really cute, too.