Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A new choir member?!

La La La La La La La!

Monday, December 17, 2007

It was great!!

Last night was our last concert and it was the best!! We had a big crowd, one of the tv stations was there, and the whole program came off great. What a lot of fun the whole thing was. I was blessed to have such a wonderful group of people to work with. They all worked hard and put a lot into it and at the same time we laughed a lot and had fun. It doesn't get much better than that. For any of you reading this, God bless you and have a wonderful Christmas.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Choir on tree

Here's a picture of the tree during a performance. I just got home from this evening's program. It is going very well. The weather is perfect and all the electronics are cooperating. I have quite a few members out sick with bad colds. John missed a couple of days work this week from the bug and I'm just praying I don't get it. Still have 3 performances to go.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Trying to post a video

You gotta watch this video if I did this right. Makes me want to shovel snow!

We're underway!

Here's a picture of the tree with the lights turned on. I took it last night before everyone arrived and the program started. A photographer took pictures with the choir on the tree and he is going to email me some. I couldn't take any myself because once they start getting on the tree I am busy making sure they are all up there where they need to be. Also, the audience is there watching. This first performance was unadvertised and just for our church family and friends. We had a couple of glitches with the sound system but otherwise it went very well and the people who came to see it loved it. It poured buckets all morning and until about 3pm and then the stormed passed. It's a God thing. Rain is the one thing that would make us have to cancel a performance. In 10 years we have never had to cancel a performance. So....we have until Wednesday night to fix the problems with the monitors, and buy more book lights to replace the ones they dropped on the tree. Next year we are going to mount orchestra lights on the top rail of each panel and get rid of the book lights. By Wednesday I will have spent $400 on new booklights this year! They are absolutely my thorn in the side. I hope you all get to see a nice Christmas program, it makes this season so special and makes memories your kids will never forget.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Completed projects.

Here is a picture of the completed tree structure for the Christmas program. All of the green panels are covered with lights that are run by a computer program. While the choir is singing, they are going on and off in all kinds of formations, like a cross, and just various patterns and tempos to match the music. It is really pretty at night. Hopefully I can get a picture one evening this week with everyone on it. We were going to have a dress rehersal on the tree Monday night but the recording we did last week didn't turn out right and we have to re-record the whole thing tomorrow night. Maybe everyone can get on it Tuesday night.

I also finished my quilt top and sent it off to my aunt to machine quilt for me. I can't wait to see how that turns out. It looks pretty good for a first time effort with no help. I am already contemplating my next one. I told John, if he would get this gun cabinet out of my office, I could set a table up in here for sewing and the dining room table could be used to eat at. Yes, well, since we all know he eats on a TV tray in front of the TV, that isn't a huge priority for him.

Christmas shopping?! Haven't really done much yet. I have thought a lot about it but I can't seem to take action. I guess I think too much. We do have all the lights up on the outside and the tree up inside, so I have made some progress for the season. When we were stringing up the outside lights I was remembering how handy Lucas was for that sort of thing. He liked getting up on the roof and John and I are both getting to the point that neither of us wants to go there. Maybe next year Lucas and Angel could come for Thanksgiving and help hang lights. What a great idea!

Friday, November 23, 2007

I'm nuts!!

I wanted to take advantage of the 50% off coupon for JoAnn's that was only good today plus another coupon that was good until noon. I wanted the bigger cutting mat for cutting out quilts. The one I had worked but was small and I managed to also cut the table cloth along with the quilt pieces. I also was ready to buy the fabric for the back of the quilt (yes, I have the front done). I very patiently stood in line to get the fabric cut from the bolt, and then I patiently stood in the check-out line. That fabric line was long!! When I finally made it to the checker, I gave her my coupons and she informed me I couldn't use the 50% one on the mat because it was already on sale. Really? It didn't say it was on sale. Oh well. Can I use it on the fabric? I got 5 yards and the coupon would only be good on 1 yard. Rats! OK . . . I'll just use the 20% off your total purchases coupon. Sorry, that sale ended at noon. It was 12:15. Excuse me, I've been standing in the fabric line for 45 minutes!! Sorry . . . the computer won't accept the coupon after 12 pm. Thank you very much, have a nice day.

Ok, on with the show. I'm gonna stop by the church on the way home and check on the tree construction. Wow, there were men there working on it. I got out of my car to tell them how good it looks and thank them for working so hard to get it done and they informed me that they were repairing the damage done to it last night by some neighborhood kids. They kicked out several of the light panels. Put their foot right through the middle of each one. The turds! It took 4 men all day to fix their damage. I guess I'm going to need to find someone who will park their RV there for the next month to deter it from happening again. In all the years we've been doing this, we've never had them bother the tree before. On that happy note I decided I should just come home and take a nap. What could go wrong in a nap?! ZZZZZZZ

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Out of time!

My time at Women of Faith was wonderful, as I knew it would be. Then I came back home to face the fact that I am running out of time. Above are pictures of the tree going up. Today they started putting the light panels on the front of the tiers. This morning I was up climbing on it trying to determine how many I can get on each row. I have 86 in the choir if they all show up at the same time. I doubt that will actually happen since someone is always sick or something. Last night at rehersal I brought in the narrator and Mary & Joseph to run through it with the choir. It was amazing! We went from beginning to end without stopping and they sound great! Next Monday night we will record it, the following Monday, which will be 12/3, we will do an on the tree rehersal, and then on the 9th we will give the first performance. That is an unadvertised performance for our church family and friends. Then the 12th through the 16th we will give one a night for the public. In my spare time, I'm running all over town looking for more book lights and it occured to me, as I stood in a checkout line, I don't have a lot of time for Christmas shopping. Every year I tell myself I am going to get it done early. Yea, right! Thank goodness for computers.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Girl's night out!

Girls of all ages need time with their girlfriends. One of God's great blessings in my life are my good girlfriends. Girls need time together to encourage each other and share their lives and to laugh until they nearly pee their pants. It's how we all get through the up's and down's in our lives. Noone understands your kid troubles better than your girlfriend, who's either been through or is going through the same thing. I am leaving for Phoenix in the morning for a 3 day trip to Women of Faith with my girlfriends. We have so much fun! We go up on Thursday morning so we can shop and goof off all day and go out to someplace fun for dinner. The conference actually starts on Friday morning and runs all day Friday with a break for dinner and then Friday night and all day Saturday. The speakers are great, the music is amazing and the whole experience just re-charges me. I go home exhausted, with some great memories, and thrilled to be back home so I can share everything with my husband. Girls ~ I highly recommend a little get-away once in a while. Guys ~ let them have the time, believe me you will be rewarded!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

I can sew?

I finally broke out the sewing machine today and set everything up on the dining room table. I got my cutting mat and my rotary cutter and my rulers all ready for action. I dug to the way back of the spare room closet for the machine. I was foresighted enough to buy some remnant fabric to practice on before cutting in to the material for the actual project. I cut strips, carefully measuring, made sure I knew where the 1/4 inch mark was on the machine so my seams would be accurate. I really had this all thought out! Then I sat down to sew. Right, how do you thread this thing? OK, I finally got that right after about an hour. What's wrong with the bobbin? The thread keeps getting tangled and jamming the needle. I tore the house apart looking for the owners manual, never found it. I went on line to the web site for Brother and it wanted my model number. There's no model number on my machine ... anywhere! Believe me I looked all over it. I can see the serial number but no model number. Oh well, I finally got it working. Yipee! I sewed strips together and cut them into blocks and sewed the blocks together. I pressed all the seams just right. Amazing, it looks like a quilt. Well, actually, it looks more like a table runner but hey, it was just practice scraps. John just got home from work. He walked in and looked at the table, now buried under my quilting "stuff ". "What are you doing? You actually have the sewing machine out? I didn't know you still had one." "I'm making a quilt" I said proudly and held up the results of my labors. I got the blank stare. "Why on earth would you do that?" "Because I want to?" OH. He'll see. I'm gonna do this for sure now.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Since I bought the fabric to make my quilt, I needed a couple of things to get it started. So off I went to JoAnn's. Let's see, my aunt said to get a mat to cut on, a rotary cutter, thread, needles, a ruler, if I have any questions someone there can help me, right? Oh they can help alright! Now, I have to say the rotary cutter is a wonderful thing. Way better than trying to use scissors. And I can certainly understand you need a mat to cut on with it. But wow, I had no idea how expensive they are. I opted for the middle sized mat since the big one was $45.00. There was a woman in the aisle getting one too, she said she had the smaller one and it wasn't big enough for her. Hmmm....we'll see, after all it's only a throw, not a bedspread. After I had my bare neccessities in my cart I spied a beginning quilters book. I'm sure God directed my vision to that. The total for that little jaunt came to $90.00. I will have to keep this up to get my money's worth out of all this stuff. Let's see, I spent $45.00 on fabric plus the "stuff " and I will still need the fabric for the back of the quilt plus the batting for the middle. I should be able to make the thing for a mere $200.00! I saw a quilt in a shop that someone had made and was selling for $600.00. It was a queen size. At the time, I thought "Are they nuts?" Oh, no, they are just trying to recoup their losses and probably pay for the new sewing machine they upgraded to and maybe make the payment on the quilting machine they couldn't live without. Oh yea, I forgot to add in the cost of having mine quilted. Good news there, my aunt said to send it to her when I get it done and she will quilt it for me for free! She has the super duper, so big it has a house of it's own, lazer guided quilting machine. Oh boy! When I was a girl, no one bought fabric for a quilt. We made them from the scraps left over from the clothes we made. I have a quilt my grandmother made and it is fun to look at it and remember who had what dress made out of which fabric, it is a memory quilt. And I also have one my great grandmother made. Every stitch in the quilt, and I mean every one, was done by hand. Imagine the time it must have taken to do that. I remember my grandmother had a room with this big quilting frame set up in it and chairs all around so people could sit and visit while they worked on a quilt. We had some fun times together doing that. Of course, we only had 2 TV stations to watch at that time so there was more time for things like this. I guess we could save money if we all slowed down a bit.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Daily ramblings

I guess I have Christmas on my brain so much because I am so busy getting ready for the big program. Monday the men at church will start building the tree structure the choir stands on for the concerts. It is 35' high. It takes the better part of a month to construct and yesterday we borrowed the big forklift from where John works to get all the materials out of storage and plant the center pole for the tree. I hope to take pictures through the construction to post so you can see it. It is pretty amazing to see. We now have 65 members in the choir and there are more yet to come. I think I will get over 70 this year again. Last year I had 72. My donkey search isn't going to well so maybe I should abandon that idea. I went to see a burro last week that was a BLM adoptee named Marlo. Marlo was a sweetie but he didn't even lead with a halter yet. I don't think he's ready for the bright lights!
My latest new project for all that spare time I don't really have is ....drum roll .....a quilt. I have never made a quilt in my life but my aunt the professional quilter just left today and yesterday when we were in a quilt shop she convinced me I could do this one and I bought all the stuff. Now remember, I said she left. She's gone, not comming back, I'm on my own. Don't anyone be looking for this one under their tree this year. Don't look for any meals to be served on the dining room table for a while either. Well, where else would I set up my quilt shop?! The good news is John prefers to eat on a TV tray in front of the TV. If the quilt thing doesn't work out, I could always make pot holders.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Family tree

I have been researching my family tree for a while now and with the help of some distant cousins I've found on line I'm a lot further along that I thought I'd ever be. It can be quite surprising what you find doing this though. I always knew we didn't talk about my dad's family. It was just something you didn't talk about. Whyever not? After all they were family, right? I loved all the relatives I knew. They were all on my mom's side. We had wonderful times growing up and I always knew they loved me. I loved getting together with my cousins at the holidays and having Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma & Granddad's house. Weren't all families like this? When you're a kid you think the whole world lives just like you do. Life wasn't a complete bed of roses, my dad was an alcoholic and things could get pretty tense at home. extended family was always there for me. They taught me about God, showed me what a happy home life looked like and how happily married people treated each other. They were always my safe place to go. I know I wouldn't have survived the teen age years without them. When I told my mom I was searching daddy's family she said I wouldn't get farther that his dad Fred. Well, I did. Lots farther. Fred was a character, without a doubt. I've learned to find birth records, death records, marriage records, and military records. The last one is the start of a new dilemma. I got my dad's army enlistment record. He enlisted June 10, 1942 in Sacramento, CA. Here's the problem ....on it it states he is a widower! He married my mom in 1943, 6 weeks after they met. I am now on the hunt for a marriage record and a death record. My dad's father Fred had a sister Millie that he kept in touch with over the years so I have friends out there helping me with this search, and we will find it! The real search here is for the daughter it is rumored my father had with his first wife. The story goes that my dad and his wife had a bad automobile accident that killed his wife and almost killed him. They had left the baby with her parents that day and after the accident her parents kept the baby and raised her. None of this was EVER mentioned in my house. I might have a sister out there that I don't know? She would have been raised to think she was an only child. We've missed an entire lifetime of knowing each other. How sad :(

Monday, October 22, 2007

Love my friends

I just love going to church on Sunday now. Well, I always like church, but this time of year is special because each week I get to see another friend I haven't seen in 6 months. Yesterday was great! A lot of good friends back and several more choir memebers. I was especially glad to see Judy Waud. She lost her husband Larry a couple of months ago suddenly and we were all stunned. He sang a solo on the Christmas tree last year. They are from Canada and I wasn't sure she would be able to come back, but her children helped her get down here and all set up for the winter here. She asked me for a copy of the music :). God bless her children for supporting her and being there for her. Family is so important.

Speaking of family .... my aunt and uncle are arriving from Oregon this week for a visit. This is the time of year when people actually want to visit us. John has a list of fix-it's for my uncle and Audrey is hoping my aunt will help us make new curtains for her 5th wheel. Of course, they do have plans of their own. Their real reason for coming is to get dental work done in Mexico. We have an excellent dentist in Mexico that we all go to and the fees are way less than in the states. Dr. Cruces actually lives here in Yuma and has his is lab here but his office is in San Luis. I recently had to have a root canal, yuk, and he did x-rays, the root canal, a filling, and cleaned my teeth for a grand total of $275.00. Anyway, we'll all have some fun and eat too much I'm sure. I know John and Jay will get some golf in and Cecilia and I will have to do some shopping. I love my family and I am so happy when any of them can come for a visit. John told me last night that Don might be here sometime this week too. I guess I better get my rear in gear and do some house work.

Happy Monday everyone

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a Guy!

I'm stunned. He came home, rode his exercise bike, made a toddy, and sat down and read the manual for the new remote! He didn't ask me how, he READ THE MANUAL. Wow!! He got it all figured out in record time. Now I am well aware that he is a very intelligent man and can do anything he sets his mind to but usually that doesn't include stuff like this. What does this demonstrate? It demonstrates his determination to have total control of the TV. For any of you that have visited us, you know he is KING of the remote. If I want to decide what to watch on TV, I go to the bedroom and watch that one. The good news ~ he is quite happy with the new DVR. His only question?....was I sure the old remote wouldn't work the new machine? The moral to this story .... it's hard for a man to part with his remote.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Last Rites

We said good bye to Tivo today and hello to a new DVR. Since we have our service with Direct TV, we have to use their DVR. I have been punching buttons this afternoon, familiarizing myself with this thing. Now, you have to understand....Tivo was very SIMPLE to operate. Amazingly simple! As electronic gadgets go, this new one is not difficult but it is different. I have it figured out, no problem. John, however, is going to hate it. I can already see the writing on the wall. I will have to be within earshot at all times. We are talking about a guy that can't figure out how to get on the internet at home. He can do it at his work because apparently his screen has some kind of link he just clicks on and he's into his email. However, most of them he forwards to me because he can't figure out how to print them out. So....I print them out for him. Now he has a new remote to learn to use. He doesn't like change. I guess none of us really like change very much. Then again I guess he and I make a good team. We work well together. He takes care of me and I take care of him. I'm glad God put him in my life.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


For some reason, I saw the picture of this cat on "Cute Overload" and I immediately thought of Sam. I guess it looks like Sam's kind of cat. I bet Daisy would love him too.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The footer

Ok, I think I got rid of that. Lightbulb Idea Yep, it appears to be gone. Now if I can get rid of the box around the smiley and maybe make it smaller? That would be good.


My new project is to get the smileys on this page. I couldn't get them on the email I was trying to write. Donkey Oh look! A Donkey!! Yea!!! I wonder if the post is going to show this annoying ad bar at the bottom of the page? I hate that. I Don't Know

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The passing of "Tivo"

Alas, our pal "Tivo" croaked today :( For those of you who don't know, Tivo is a DVR and also our Direct TV receiver. A Tivo is a wonderful thing. So easy to use, even I can figure it out, unlike it's predecessor the VCR. I never could get that thing set up to record something when I wasn't home. And setting the clock?! That simply served for YEARS as a flashing night light. But that is truly amazing. I had it mastered in minutes. I have programs we like, that are on when we are not home, set up with a "season pass" which let's it automatically record the program every time it comes on. We had noticed lately that Tivo was not acting quite right. It was getting slow to bring up programming, sometimes getting stuck on fast forward, losing the satelite signal. Did I mention that Tivo lets you pause live programming? What a great feature! I guess you can tell where I'll be at 9 am tomorrow. Yep, the Direct TV store.

I got a lead at church this morning on a "sweet" donkey. I'm going to go pay it a visit tomorrow and see if it is calm and sweet. I even have to go right by the Direct TV store to get to the donkey's house. What luck!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's Saturday :)

We love Saturdays. It's our day together. We get to sleep in a little (as much as the dogs will let us) and kick back. I am recovered from nearly killing myself cleaning the neighbor's house. I am thankful for that. Today we are going down to Algadones Mexico for the day. We live about 20 minutes from there and it is a fun little town. Lots of stuff to look at and the people are very nice. We have a favorite restaurant there where we are looking forward to having lunch. We thought we'd beat the winter visitor rush. A month from now the place will be packed. I like to be able to leisurely browse and the weather today is perfect for it. It is only supposed to get up to 82 today. That's my idea of the perfect temperature. We don't get the fall leaves and colors that you get in the north, but we do feel the change in the air and after a hot summer it really feels good! I am also excited to break out my fall and winter clothes. I'm tired of the summer ones and it makes me feel like I just got a new wardrobe. I can't get the fall leaf colors, but I can get those colors in my wardrobe. Yep, I'm sure people will look at me on Sunday and think of a beautiful fall maple tree. A SMALL maple tree.

Happy fall weekend everyone. I'm off to Mexico

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Another Spike!

O boy, I got it, another learning curve spike! Check out the Cute Overload link. You're gonna love that one.

The neighborhood is really picking up. My next door neighbor from Montana, got back yesterday and another one 4 doors down returned. One of the added benefits of the returnees is light! Yep light. We have no street lights out here where I live and everyone puts wall lights on top of the brick walls that are in front of every house. When they leave for the summer they turn off their power, hence no wall lights. It can get pretty dark around here. Of course it's easy to pick out our house at night. When I turned down our street last night coming home from church, it hit me how many lights were back on. Nice.

John and I take care of a house 2 down from us. The owner is 95 and in a nursing home. His family wants to keep the house so we look after it and rent it out for them. It comes completely furnished and I mean completely. You need only bring your clothes and personal items. It is a real cute little place and last winter I had a nice couple in it. When they moved out, we put the 4 rent sign up and rented it to a man who said he wanted it for his mother and he wanted to sign a 12 monthe lease. He wanted to pay rent all summer?! Yep. It has a covered RV port on it and he said he wanted to park his big boat under it for the summer. Great. Well, to make a long story short, he turned out to be a con, it cost my friends $3000 in attorney fees to evict him. While they did get a judgement against him, they will have to find him. Believe me we've all tried. He told me he had a housekeeper coming in every 2 weeks to clean. Yea right! What a PIG!! I spent all day yesterday cleaning that house. I had to scrub floors on my hands and knees to get the crud off them. He took the bedding so I had to go out and buy new, although as filthy as he was I probably would have anyway. Now, those of you who know me, know I have a housekeeper because it is very hard for me to do that kind of thing. I had her give me a quote to clean the house and I just couldn't bring myself to ask these people to pay for what I feel was my error in judgement. So.....I did it myself. The end result ~ the house looks great again ~ I can hardly move today.

You all have a nice day, I'm going back to bed!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Learning Curve

My learning curve had a spike in it when I figured out how to get a photo on here but now it has flattened out again. I am trying to add to my side bar links to blogs of friends or other interesting sites and that isn't coming along to good. I've gone back and forth, to and from the "help" directory and, while I'm sure I'll eventually figure it out, it seems that the older I get the easier I confuse. I am determined not to become my mother! I recently spent 2 hours just trying to teach her how to use email. She is 87 and she was once a very intelligent, intimidating woman. She was a CPA when women didn't do that. They were bookkeepers and assistants to CPA's. After I returned home from my visit with her, I sent her several emails, as did other family members. I never got any response to them. Finally I called her and asked her if she had checked her email lately. Her response? "I haven't turned on the computer since you were here." After a little more conversation, she decided she shouldn't be paying for broadband service she doesn't use and maybe she will give the computer away. The once intimidating woman is now intimidated by a computer.

But.....don't write off the senior citizens who prefer the manual way of doing things. I recently read a series of books by Terri Blackstock, the first of which is called "Last Light". In this book something happens with an exploding star that causes everything electrical and electronic in the WORLD to stop. Permanently. Cars won't start, watches don't work, no electricity, TV, phones, no communication at all. Everyone is thrown way back from the civilization they once knew. Most people had no idea how to survive. The old woman in the neighborhood showed her neighbors how to dig up their yards and plant vegetables, dig a well for water, compost what they could and bury the rest of the trash. There's way more to the story but it is very thought provoking. The banks couldn't open, people couldn't get their money. I don't even get paper bank statements anymore. I know I would be scrambling along with everyone else if it happened. Older citizens had to teach the younger people that they could survive and have a life without all the "stuff" they were used to, and you had to WORK to survive. I highly recommend the series.

Well, it's time to hit the donkey trail.

Monday, October 08, 2007

On with the hunt?

While I should be recruiting more people to sing in the choir, I am going off this morning to interview a couple donkeys. I need that special donkey. The one who doesn't mind being groped by lots of kids, 22,000 flashing lights, loud music, fire, traveling, etc. He will also need an owner willing to let him play the role of Mary's donkey. Who wouldn't want their beloved donkey to get to carry the mother of the Savior of the world?! I'm going to take my camera so I can show you all pictures of the candidates, now that I figured out the picture thing.

Last night was fun. After a very quiet summer in the neighborhood, things are picking up and it is great to have our friends come back. We all ate too much but that was our intention. I'll be stopping off for my workout at Contours before I visit my first donkey. Really though, I'll probably be doing a lot of walking on my search so maybe I could skip the gym? Yea, probably not. I'll probably just walk from my car to the corral fence and gaze into the pen at the critter.

Back to last night ... while we are very happy to see out friends back, you should see the dogs! My three dogs are thrilled to have Beau back. And to top their evening off...their pal Scruffy was walking his daddy by and got to stop and say hi too. They all were so excited. We could all learn a lesson from the dogs. They are oblivious to the fact that they are all different breeds and colors. They just don't notice. Too bad people can't just see each other as the brothers and sisters we really are. After all, it all started with Adam & Eve.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Sweet Success!!

Whoopee!! I did it. I'm so excited. I'm going to get my camera out and start taking pictures to play with. This is the mighty Thor as an 8 week old puppy. Can you imagine naming a little cutie like this "Thor"? You know that wasn't my pick. Yep, John wanted him to have a macho name. I guess that is his substitute for having a macho dog like a Rottweiler or something. He has grown into the name though. He is now 5 pounds of determination and rascal.

Now that I have mastered this task, I can turn my attention to the dinner I should be working on. We are having our neighbors over for a tri-tip barbecue later this afternoon. It will be the first block party of the season. Monday I'll have to get back to the gym routine. This neighborhood likes to eat and the season is upon me. It's fun though.


How hard can this be!? I am trying to get the picture thing down. I uploaded one but now I can't seem to find it. Where do you suppose it went? Think about it. It left my computer. Boarded the bus for an internet blog. It said it arrived but which stop on the way did it get off on? Maybe it is over browsing in Hmmm.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Better late than never!

Well, I am certainly catching on to this fast! It's only been just over a year since my last post. :) I won't bother with a narrative of everything that has transpired in a year. It has finally cooled off here and the winter visitors are pouring in. It only got up to 92 today. The good news is that with the influx of people, my Christmas choir is growing. I'm half way there with 35 people, I need 70. It's going to be a great program this year and it certainly is keeping me out of trouble. Maybe. I am on the hunt for a lethargic, calm, unspookable donkey for the program. This year I have Mary & Joseph sitting at a campfire, on their way to Bethlehem. Now, we all know Mary rode to Bethlehem on a donkey so I figure I need one standing in the background for reality's sake. I just don't want it to freak out when the choir starts singing and 22,000 lights start flashing. I want it to snooze through the whole program. Maybe I can find one that is about 25 years old. John and I saw one standing in the desert right by the road the other day and I thought about stopping and picking it up. It looked pretty dull witted standing there all alone. Then again, maybe it was too hot to move. It was 118 that day. I've got the camp fire part all figured out too. The RV'rs around here all have those little portable propane campfires they travel with and I'm sure I can BORROW one. I could buy one but borrowing would be cheaper.

Stay tuned for donkey updates. I plan to stay more current with this. Practice makes perfect, right?