Monday, October 22, 2007

Love my friends

I just love going to church on Sunday now. Well, I always like church, but this time of year is special because each week I get to see another friend I haven't seen in 6 months. Yesterday was great! A lot of good friends back and several more choir memebers. I was especially glad to see Judy Waud. She lost her husband Larry a couple of months ago suddenly and we were all stunned. He sang a solo on the Christmas tree last year. They are from Canada and I wasn't sure she would be able to come back, but her children helped her get down here and all set up for the winter here. She asked me for a copy of the music :). God bless her children for supporting her and being there for her. Family is so important.

Speaking of family .... my aunt and uncle are arriving from Oregon this week for a visit. This is the time of year when people actually want to visit us. John has a list of fix-it's for my uncle and Audrey is hoping my aunt will help us make new curtains for her 5th wheel. Of course, they do have plans of their own. Their real reason for coming is to get dental work done in Mexico. We have an excellent dentist in Mexico that we all go to and the fees are way less than in the states. Dr. Cruces actually lives here in Yuma and has his is lab here but his office is in San Luis. I recently had to have a root canal, yuk, and he did x-rays, the root canal, a filling, and cleaned my teeth for a grand total of $275.00. Anyway, we'll all have some fun and eat too much I'm sure. I know John and Jay will get some golf in and Cecilia and I will have to do some shopping. I love my family and I am so happy when any of them can come for a visit. John told me last night that Don might be here sometime this week too. I guess I better get my rear in gear and do some house work.

Happy Monday everyone


Teresa said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I'm going to surprise you and go down one of these years...

Christy said...

Wow! I wish I lived near your dentist!

Enjoy your company, Mavis. Family really IS important. No one else can surround you and comfort you like family can.

Mavis said...

Come on down! We'd love to have all of you any time. :)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.