Thursday, October 11, 2007

Another Spike!

O boy, I got it, another learning curve spike! Check out the Cute Overload link. You're gonna love that one.

The neighborhood is really picking up. My next door neighbor from Montana, got back yesterday and another one 4 doors down returned. One of the added benefits of the returnees is light! Yep light. We have no street lights out here where I live and everyone puts wall lights on top of the brick walls that are in front of every house. When they leave for the summer they turn off their power, hence no wall lights. It can get pretty dark around here. Of course it's easy to pick out our house at night. When I turned down our street last night coming home from church, it hit me how many lights were back on. Nice.

John and I take care of a house 2 down from us. The owner is 95 and in a nursing home. His family wants to keep the house so we look after it and rent it out for them. It comes completely furnished and I mean completely. You need only bring your clothes and personal items. It is a real cute little place and last winter I had a nice couple in it. When they moved out, we put the 4 rent sign up and rented it to a man who said he wanted it for his mother and he wanted to sign a 12 monthe lease. He wanted to pay rent all summer?! Yep. It has a covered RV port on it and he said he wanted to park his big boat under it for the summer. Great. Well, to make a long story short, he turned out to be a con, it cost my friends $3000 in attorney fees to evict him. While they did get a judgement against him, they will have to find him. Believe me we've all tried. He told me he had a housekeeper coming in every 2 weeks to clean. Yea right! What a PIG!! I spent all day yesterday cleaning that house. I had to scrub floors on my hands and knees to get the crud off them. He took the bedding so I had to go out and buy new, although as filthy as he was I probably would have anyway. Now, those of you who know me, know I have a housekeeper because it is very hard for me to do that kind of thing. I had her give me a quote to clean the house and I just couldn't bring myself to ask these people to pay for what I feel was my error in judgement. So.....I did it myself. The end result ~ the house looks great again ~ I can hardly move today.

You all have a nice day, I'm going back to bed!

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