Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Last Rites

We said good bye to Tivo today and hello to a new DVR. Since we have our service with Direct TV, we have to use their DVR. I have been punching buttons this afternoon, familiarizing myself with this thing. Now, you have to understand....Tivo was very SIMPLE to operate. Amazingly simple! As electronic gadgets go, this new one is not difficult but it is different. I have it figured out, no problem. John, however, is going to hate it. I can already see the writing on the wall. I will have to be within earshot at all times. We are talking about a guy that can't figure out how to get on the internet at home. He can do it at his work because apparently his screen has some kind of link he just clicks on and he's into his email. However, most of them he forwards to me because he can't figure out how to print them out. So....I print them out for him. Now he has a new remote to learn to use. He doesn't like change. I guess none of us really like change very much. Then again I guess he and I make a good team. We work well together. He takes care of me and I take care of him. I'm glad God put him in my life.

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